Enovision IT & Web Services Development



We build full-scale applications for the web. Software build by us is running in a web browser. Every application consists of a front-end (that what makes the user experience) and a back-end (that what is administered in the database).


The front-ends of our applications are built with Sencha Ext JS JavaScript framework. Since we started building in 2008, this framework is the preferred choice for creating the best user experience. 

Our applications are all designed with the user in mind. Not all users like to work with computers, so we do our utmost to give everyone that needs to work with software designed by us a great experience.

Other JavaScript frameworks like React or Laravel have our attention, but still we think that Sencha Ext JS is the better alternative for large applications.


Back-end (Server)

For years we have built back-ends with the CodeIgniter PHP framework. It has a small footprint, fast in performance but not very modern anymore. Still it is doing an great job when you have great front-end supporting it. The user doesn't care about the server, but the customer does.


For our projects we often use these PHP frameworks

The mentioned PHP frameworks have good developer and community support and its functionality meets up to the demands of reliability and security and proper documentation. 


Our applications mostly connect to a MySQL database database system. Sometimes we use SQLite databases, but not in a business critical environment. 



In computer programming, a software framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code, thus providing application-specific software. A software framework provides a standard way to build and deploy applications.


Frameworks offers an opportunity to develop applications faster. Frameworks are available for the back-end server as well for the front-end. Even for styling the front-end, great frameworks exist. 


Framework Description Link
CodeIgniter Logo CodeIgniter Very reliable PHP framework with a small footprint and great performance Official website
Laravel Logo Laravel At the time the most popular PHP frameworks for building large scale applications Official website
Slim PHP Slimphp Possibly the lightest and almost fastest PHP framework Official website
When developing MySQL database schemes, we love to use Laravel's object relation modeller (ORM) to build query models. It is our favorite way to make a nice PHP ojbect oriented interface between any MySQL database model.

The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database.

Eloquent is easy to implement in other PHP frameworks as well.



The frontend is called that part of the application that is visible to the user. What interacts on the display of the user and is processed within the computer's browser we call the frontend. The requests it is sending to the server and is processed in the server we call the server or backend.

Framework Description Link
0 Ext JS Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework with a very large set of visual components for building very user-friendly web applications. Official website
0 ReactJS JavaScript framework published by Facebook to build great web applications for both desktop and mobile devices. Official website

Style and structure

Framework Description Link
0 SASS Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world Official website
0 Bootstrap Most popular CSS framework created by the developers for Twitter Official website
0 Mustache Easy HTML template building with curly brackets Official website
0 Handlebars Another easy to build HTML templates with curly brackets Official website
0 Twig Very popular server side templates with curly brackets Official website

Other systems

Content Management Systems

  • Wordpress
  • October CMS
  • Grav CMS

Shop Management

Plugins and API


Plugins are extensions added to software to perform a certain task or to make a presentation on the website where this software is running.

We have build plugins for Wordpress, Woocommerce, October CMS and Opencart.


API is the abbreviation for Application Programming Interface and is mostly a set of functions that are executed on a server and return a response. What makes an API special is that with the proper authorization these functions can be executed from a different server than the one where the API is executed from.

Very popular is the so called REST API. This stands for Representational state transfer. This is developed for building web services. Offering an API as a web service is very common to open up functionality to a website or service and make it available to other developers.

We have build API's in PHP, JavaScript and MySQL. Building API's is a tailor-made development. Customers have a clear idea on how they want to open up their data for external parties to make it accessible within their software.

Sometimes API's are just read-only functions that can be accessed to get information about for example the catalog of the customer.

There are also API functions which are saving a response back in the database of the API owner.

API's can also be used by the customer themselves when they want to open up the product database to their own published mobile application. Like the webshop as a genuine web application that could be downloaded from an app-store like Apple, Microsoft or Google, depending on the platform where it was build for.

Enovision Movieworld


We have developed a demo web application, based on Sencha Ext JS and a PHP backend which is already running since 2012.

Enovision Movieworld

This application is using an API to interact with the content of the TMDB movie database. This is a freely available API from the makers of the TMDB (theMovieDatabase) than can be accessed as a REST API.