ExtJS 4, extend the Ext.toolbar.paging class to change some behavior
The Ext.toolbar.paging (pagingtoolbar) class is used when you require paging on an ExtJS gridpanel. But this class comes with some limitations. In this article we will extend the class to create a factory or base class for reusability.
The refresh button
One of the limitations is that by default there is no config parameter that would hide the refresh button.
Alternative handlers for the buttons
The refresh and page buttons load or refresh pages of the store that is bound with the toolbar. By default you can't influence the handlers of these buttons.
The stores load parameters
One annoyance of the paging toolbar is that it doesn't remember the store's load parameters that came with the load of the grids store.
For example when one of your calling parameters to the server is 'brand' with a value of 'Mercedes' then when you click the refresh button of the paging toolbar it will do a curl without the 'brand' value, for it used as a 'parm' and not as an 'extraParam'. The latter one is saved on the stores proxy.
The extension
Extjs 4 is higly flexible when it comes to extending components. One advice, don't override core function when it could lead to upgrade problems when updating.
When to extend?
- when you would like to additional functionality or change behavior of a component (like the following example)
- when you use base components frequently with the same settings, an extension could work like a presetted class*
Advantages of extending classes
The greatest advantage when extending a class or component is that it will behave like you have intented or that it will use a base class and have a ton of extra features or it is totally new component.
Disadvantages of extending classes
Could be sensitive to compatibility issues when upgrading to another version of Ext JS.
Extending the Ext.toolbar.Paging class
We are going to add the following config options to the extended class:
config | type | purpose |
hideRefresh | boolean | hide the refresh button |
saveParamsOnLoad | boolean | save the load params object into the proxy's extraParams |
alternateHandlers | object | alternate handler function for the refresh button |
Creating the Ext.ux.basePagingTbar.js class
Create a new file named Ext.ux.basePagingTbar.js in the ux
folder of your application.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.basePagingTbar', {
extend: 'Ext.toolbar.Paging',
alias: 'widget.basePagingTbar',
alternateClassName: [
requires: [
* @cfg {Boolean} hideRefresh
* Hide the refresh button when true
* Default : false
hideRefresh: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} saveParamsOnLoad
* Convert params on load to extraParams
* Default : false
saveParamsOnLoad: false,
* @cfg {Object} alternateHandlers
* Object with handler functions for first,prev,refresh,next,last
* Sample:
* alternateHandlers: {
* first: me.PageOne,
* prev: me.PagePrev,
* refresh: me.PageRefresh,
* next: me.PageNext,
* last: me.PageLast
* }
* Default : false
alternateHandlers: false,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
listeners: {
afterrender: function(tbar) {
if (tbar.hideRefresh) {
// saveParamsOnLoad just fixates the params in the extraParams, before the load
if (me.saveParamsOnLoad) {
var store = me.store;
store.on('beforeload', function(store, operation) {
var params = operation.params;
var proxy = store.getProxy();
Ext.iterate(params, function(item, value) {
proxy.extraParams[item] = value;
}, me);
if (Ext.isObject(me.alternateHandlers)) {
Ext.iterate(me.alternateHandlers, function(item, value) {
var c = me.down('#' + item);
if (c) {
if (Ext.isFunction(value)) {
Using the Ext.ux.basePagingTbar class
To use this class you simply add the following to your gridpanel:
requires: [
And instead of the standard pagingtoolbar you are now using:
xtype: 'basePagingTbar',
dock: 'bottom',
store: 'puthereyourstore',
hideRefresh: true,
saveParamsOnLoad: true,
alternateHandlers: {
first: me.PageOne,
prev: me.PagePrev,
refresh: me.PageRefresh,
next: me.PageNext,
last: me.PageLast
displayInfo: true
About extending the Ext.toolbar.paging class
We have extended the Ext.toolbar.paging class. It inherits everything from that class into your new extended class.
When using the alternateHandlers (which you almost sure might not), remember that the scope is already on this according to the Ext.toolbar.paging source code.